What Does a Podcast Manager Do?

What Does a Podcast Manager Do?

A simple explanation of the new and upcoming field of podcast management

Podcasts have exploded in the last 2 years despite being around for the last couple of decades. It seems like every time you turn around a new podcast is booming, whether it’s in the true crime genre or the self-help and business genre. If you’re not recording a podcast but you want to be involved, you might be wondering what you can do other than listen.  Podcast management is an exciting role which encompasses audio editing, guest management, copywriting or any one of those roles. Below we’ll explore some of the jobs you can have working for your favorite podcast! 


This one is pretty self-explanatory.  Your simply editing the raw audio of the podcast so that it’s primed and ready to upload and share.  This might be a simple explanation but it’s not so simple- there’s a lot that goes into making raw audio sound just right.  Normalizing the volume, editing out silence, taking out verbal mistakes, and reducing background noise are all parts of the editing process.  This can be time-consuming and there is a certain degree of skill you will need to accomplish this which is why many decide to outsource their podcast editing.  

Guest Management

When working with a podcaster you’ll want to help them get guests onto their show or perhaps help them to be a guest on another show. You’ll be in charge of researching, pitching, and then setting up the interview time. 


Most podcasts have some kind of show notes whether it’s transcribed word-for-word or just a summary written explaining the topic and the guests.  Podcast editors can help transcribe or write up a description of the show for listeners to pair with the audio.  


In order for podcasts to be heard on platforms such as Apple or Stitcher,  they need to be uploaded to Libsyn or another platform such as Bluberry or Podbean.  Simply put, these are the platforms where the podcast will be pushed out for listeners. Audio files need to be manually uploaded every time there is a new one so listeners can find them.  In addition to the audio file, a short description and show art will also need to be uploaded. 

Social Media

You might be in charge of making simple graphics for the shows and marketing them via Facebook or Instagram once a show is released. 


Have you ever seen the cool social media graphics posted on an Instagram story where you can see the audio stream and hear a snippet of a podcast?  That’s an audiographic where an editor will pull a piece of a podcast and match it with a podcast graphic that can be shared on social media for marketing the show. This is an awesome way for listeners to get a preview of what’s to come on an episode.  These interactive graphics take time and skill to make though so they will most likely be outsourced to an editor. 


As a manager you can take on all of these roles or just one or some of them! In a future blog post we will be exploring the role of producer and how that differs from the role of a manager and editor! 


Mother. Wife. Entrepreneur. Lover of iced coffee and the fall.

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